Bionilka series

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  • Настойка МОРДОВНИКА (шишки), 100 мл. содержит Used in the complex treatment of endometritisоду, этиловый спирт, экстракт шишек мордовника.

  • Hemlock tincture in drops, 50 ml, is used in complex therapy for oncological diseases of various etiologies; with menstrual pain, pain in the intestines, liver and kidneys; with fibromas, myoma, cyst, endometriosis, mastopathy, adenoma, prostatitis; to normalize stool with constipation; for the treatment of gout, articular rheumatism, lupus, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis; for the treatment of hemorrhoids, gynecological and sexual diseases; at tuberculosis, vascular atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis).

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    Состав суппозитории “ИНСТАНОЛ”: шалфей лист, крапива двудомная лист , толокнянка лист , шиповник плод , бессмертник цвет , липа цвет , ромашка цвет , кипрей лист, полынь трава, тысячелистник трава, донник трава, пустырник трава, сушеница болотная трава, крушина кора, берёза почки, репешок трава, клевер трава, сабельник трава, барбарис плод , лопух корни, душица трава, княжик трава, ежевика лист, масло какао.

  • Fly agaric tincture is used in complex therapy:

    • with arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
    • in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. This mushroom helps to get rid of heaviness in the stomach, gases, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.
    • in the treatment of epilepsy.
    • with ear diseases and toothache, and some use it to remove bad breath.
    • in the treatment of inappropriate behavior, sclerosis and paralysis.
    • with impotence, with male diseases, with chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma.
    • with female gynecological diseases, with fibroids, with inflammation of the ovaries, with cysts, with mastopathy.
    • with flies in the eyes, decreased vision, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the edge of the eyelids, myopia and cataracts.
    • Red fly agaric extract is useful for skin care. This tool promotes the production of collagen and regeneration of skin cells, makes it firm and elastic, smoothes fine wrinkles, improves complexion by lightening age spots. In addition, by rubbing the skin with fly agaric extract, you can fight cellulite and stretch marks on the skin. Short-term compresses from the tincture of the fungus will also help get rid of calluses and cracks on the skin of the legs.

    Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Does not contain GMO, gluten.

  • Eleutherococcus tincture contains: элеутерококк 100%, этиловый спирт, вода очищенная

  • It is used as part of complex therapy and prevention:

    • with helminthiasis
    • при гепатите, в том числе вирусном
    • purified water
    • purified water
  • PINE NUTS tincture is used as part of complex therapy and prevention:

    • cardiovascular system;
    • increase in blood pressure
    • increase in blood pressure
    • diseases of the liver and gall bladder
    • with benign tumors (especially in the female genital area)
    • with depression, inexplicable fatigue.
    • with rheumatism and osteochondrosis.

    Outwardly in the treatment of skin diseases - acne, neurodermatitis, eczema.

  • Настойка Золотого корня применяется в комплексном лечении и профилактике при:
    • сахарном диабете;
    • гипотонии;
    • артритах и артрозах;
    • нарушении осанки;
    • вегето-сосудистой дистонии по гипотоническому типу;
    • проблемах в работе сердца;
    • анемии, низком гемоглобине;
    • снижении половой активности у мужчин;
    • бесплодии у женщин;
    • гинекологических заболеваниях;
    • онкологических образованиях;
    • инфекциях мочеполовой системы;
    • дерматитах, угревой сыпи;
    • атеросклерозе;
    • варикозе;
    • заболеваниях органов дыхания;
    • сниженном иммунитете.

  • Hemlock is used as a strong analgesic for cancer; with menstrual pain, pain in the intestines, liver and kidneys; with fibromas, myoma, cyst, endometriosis, mastopathy, adenoma, prostatitis; to normalize stool with constipation; for the treatment of gout, articular rheumatism, lupus, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis; for the treatment of hemorrhoids, gynecological and sexual diseases.
    The drug can be used to combat anemia, with dropsy, cataracts, gangrene, whooping cough, hearing loss, rickets, jaundice, bone diseases, tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, epilepsy, general weakness in the aging body.

    Hemlock tincture, 100 ml.

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  • It is used in complex treatment and prevention:

    • злокачественных и доброкачественных опухолей различной этиологии;
    • сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний: гипертонической болезни; инсульта, инфаркта,атеросклероза, образования тромбов;
    • эндокринных заболеваний: сахарного диабета; ожирения;
    • гепатита В;
    • болезни Альцгеймера, болезни Паркинсона, старческой и сосудистой деменции.


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  • It is used as part of complex treatment and prevention:

    • with neuroses, with vegetative-vascular dystonia,
    • with hypotension,
    • with schizophrenia,
    • with physical and mental overwork,
    • in asthenic conditions after various diseases,
    • in the treatment of oligospermia, impotence, prostate cancer, late puberty,
    • with primary and secondary amenorrhea, dysmenorrhoea, adnexitis, early menopause, fibrocystic mastopathy, polycystic ovaries,
    • in the repair (healing) of wounds, injuries, bone fractures,
    • in the treatment of drug addiction.

    Golden root

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  • It is used as part of complex therapy and prevention:

    • Болезни Альцгеймера;
    • Болезни Паркинсона;
    • Инсультов;
    • Сахарного диабета;
    • Онкологические заболевания (рак желудка, пищевода, лейкемия);
    • Аденома простаты;
    • Атрофический гастрит;
    • Стимулятор роста и регенерации отростков нервных клеток;
    • Для снижения уровня холестерина в крови.
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    Суппозитории “С ЭКСТРАКТАМИ ТРАВ” содержится: Экстракты растений: Fireweed narrow-leaved leaf, cinquefoil marsh root, Siberian shiksha shoots, wild strawberry leaf, aralia root, chokeberry fruit, lingonberry leaf, sweet clover herb, angelica medicinal root, barberry Siberian fruit, dandelion root, mountain ash fruit, forest currant leaf, prince herb , blueberry leaf, violet grass; native mushroom extracts: reishi, meitake, veselka; cacao butter.

    54.0% fat, 11.5% protein, 9.0% cellulose, 7.5% starch and polysaccharides, 6.0% tannins and colorants, 5.0% water, 2.6% minerals substances and salts, 2.0% organic acids and flavors, 1.0% saccharides and 0.2% caffeine. steroid compounds, flavonoids, saponins, amino acids, alkaloids, polysaccharides, water-soluble proteins, coumarins, trace elements: Ag, Ca, Fe, K, Na, Mn, Zn, Ba.

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    Suppositories with ASD (Dorogova) contain: natural cocoa butter; fraction ASD-2.

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    В Суппозитории “С ВЕСЕЛКОЙ” содержится: гриб веселка (тело) экстракт, масло какао.
    54,0 % жиры, 11,5 % белки, 9,0 % целлюлоза, 7,5 % крахмал и полисахариды, 6,0 % дубильные вещества (тннин) и красящие вещества, 5,0 % вода, 2,6 % минеральные вещества и соли, 2,0 % органические кислоты и вкусовые вещества, 1,0 % сахариды и 0,2 % кофеин, флавоноиды, дубильные вещества, арбутины, хиноны, иридоиды, медь, титан, железо, марганец, цинк.