Endocrine system

Showing 1–28 of 38 results

  • Hemlock tincture in drops, 50 ml, is used in complex therapy for oncological diseases of various etiologies; with menstrual pain, pain in the intestines, liver and kidneys; with fibromas, myoma, cyst, endometriosis, mastopathy, adenoma, prostatitis; to normalize stool with constipation; for the treatment of gout, articular rheumatism, lupus, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis; for the treatment of hemorrhoids, gynecological and sexual diseases; at tuberculosis, vascular atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis).

  • Используется в комплексной терапии и профилактике для улучшения работы щитовидной железы, При гипертиреозе, тиреотоксикозе, гиперплазии, многоузловом зобе.

  • Применяется в комплексной терапии при диабете для снижения уровня сахара в крови. Для приготовления напитка возьмите 1-2 чайные ложки сбора, залейте крутым кипятком в количестве 200 мл и дайте настояться не менее 10 минут.

  • Тиреоидные гормоны выполняют множество жизненно важных функций, в т.ч. регулируют обмен белков, жиров, углеводов и энергии в организме, деятельность головного мозга, нервной и сердечно-сосудистой систем, половых и молочных желез. Тщательно подобранный состав лекарственных трав способствует нормализации функции щитовидной железы.

    Balm Monastic No. 32 thyroid применяется в составе комплексной терапии при лечении и профилактики заболеваний щитовидной железы. Улучшает функцию щитовидной железы, выравнивает гормональный фон, применяется при гипо- и гипертиреозе и зобе.

    Balsam Monastic No. 32 thyroid, 200 ml.

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  • Composition: partitions (sashes) walnut 100%, ethyl alcohol, purified water.

    The composition of the partitions to a greater extent than the nuts themselves contain iodine, glucosides, vitamin C, alkaloids and organic acids.
    They treat the thyroid gland, eliminate iodine deficiency, improve metabolic processes, strengthen immunity, normalize the nervous system, and reduce weight.
    Lack of iodine in the body leads to the development of mastopathy, fibroids, prostate adenoma, hand tremors, irritability, fatigue and general weakness appear, blood pressure rises, memory is lost.

  • It is used as part of complex therapy and prevention:

    • with helminthiasis
    • при гепатите, в том числе вирусном
    • purified water
    • purified water
  • Настойка Золотого корня применяется в комплексном лечении и профилактике при:
    • сахарном диабете;
    • гипотонии;
    • артритах и артрозах;
    • нарушении осанки;
    • вегето-сосудистой дистонии по гипотоническому типу;
    • проблемах в работе сердца;
    • анемии, низком гемоглобине;
    • снижении половой активности у мужчин;
    • бесплодии у женщин;
    • гинекологических заболеваниях;
    • онкологических образованиях;
    • инфекциях мочеполовой системы;
    • дерматитах, угревой сыпи;
    • атеросклерозе;
    • варикозе;
    • заболеваниях органов дыхания;
    • сниженном иммунитете.

  • Hemlock is used as a strong analgesic for cancer; with menstrual pain, pain in the intestines, liver and kidneys; with fibromas, myoma, cyst, endometriosis, mastopathy, adenoma, prostatitis; to normalize stool with constipation; for the treatment of gout, articular rheumatism, lupus, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis; for the treatment of hemorrhoids, gynecological and sexual diseases.
    The drug can be used to combat anemia, with dropsy, cataracts, gangrene, whooping cough, hearing loss, rickets, jaundice, bone diseases, tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, epilepsy, general weakness in the aging body.

    Hemlock tincture, 100 ml.

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  • It is used as part of complex therapy and prevention:
    - to increase potency, with adenoma, male infertility.
    with gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine prolapse).
    - with hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, thyroid hyperplasia, multinodular goiter and other diagnoses.
    - with gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism
    - during the rehabilitation period after a heart attack and stroke.
    - with hypertension;
    - with atherosclerosis.

  • How does a fir drink:

    Increases immunity. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, so it is effective during epidemics and exacerbations of chronic diseases. Prevents complications in the upper respiratory tract.
    Invaluable due to the pronounced antiseptic properties of cedar and fir.

    Normalizes blood pressure: the drink is effective at both high and low blood pressure.

    The unique property of the drink - reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes. The effect is achieved with regular use.

    It cleanses the entire body: the lymphatic system, urinary system - gently and gently.

    Increases the tone of the body, relieves hangover.

    Regular intake of drink gives energy, helps to cope with the effects of intoxication.

    Cedar drink has shown its effectiveness in combating excess weights.

    Precautionary measures:
    Promotes intensive removal of toxins, therefore, at the first doses, it is better not to increase the dosage.

  • How does the fir elixir work:

    Increases immunity. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, so it is effective during epidemics and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

    Prevents complications in the upper respiratory tract. Priceless due to the pronounced antiseptic properties of cedar and fir.

    Normalizes blood pressure: effective at both high and low blood pressure.

    The unique property of the elixir - reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes. The effect is achieved with regular use.

    It cleanses the entire body: the lymphatic system, urinary system - gently and gently.

    Increases the tone of the body, relieves hangover.

    Regular intake of the elixir gives vigor, helps to cope with the effects of intoxication.

    Fir Elixir has shown its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight.

    Precautionary measures:
    Promotes intensive removal of toxins, therefore, at the first doses, it is better not to increase the dosage.

  • How does the cedar drink work:

    Increases immunity. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, so it is effective during epidemics and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

    Prevents complication in the upper respiratory tract.
    Invaluable due to the pronounced antiseptic properties of cedar and fir.

    Normalizes blood pressure: effective at both high and low blood pressure.

    The unique property of the drink - reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes. The effect is achieved with regular use.

    It cleanses the entire body: the lymphatic system, the urinary system.

    Restores the skin.
    Increases the tone of the body, relieves hangover.

    Regular intake of drink gives energy, helps to cope with the effects of intoxication.

    Cedar drink has shown its effectiveness in combating excess weights.

    Precautionary measures:
    Promotes intensive removal of toxins, therefore, at the first doses, it is better not to increase the dosage.

  • Monastic elixir "Cedar"

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  • It is used in complex treatment and prevention:

    • злокачественных и доброкачественных опухолей различной этиологии;
    • сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний: гипертонической болезни; инсульта, инфаркта,атеросклероза, образования тромбов;
    • эндокринных заболеваний: сахарного диабета; ожирения;
    • гепатита В;
    • болезни Альцгеймера, болезни Паркинсона, старческой и сосудистой деменции.


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  • It is used in complex therapy and prevention:

    • male and female infertility,
    • male diseases: impotence, oligoasthenoteratospermia, oligozoospermia
    • female diseases: mitigating hot flashes during menopause
    • oncological diseases (lymphoma, cancer of the duodenum, stomach, liver, kidneys),
    • urolithiasis,
    • hypertension.

    Anchors fruit

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  • It is used as part of complex treatment and prevention:

    • male diseases: impotence and male sexual disorders, nnormalization of the secretion of the male sex hormone - testosterone, premature ejaculation, male infertility;
    • female diseases: female infertility, menopause.

    Burning root

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  • It is used as part of complex treatment and prevention:

    • Заболеваний эндокринной системы – гипотиреоза, болезней надопочечников;
    • Головной боли, нарушения мозгового кровообращения, спазмов сосудов;
    • Болезней мужской мочеполовой системы – аденомы простаты, простатита, ослабление потенции.
    • Бесплодие (женское и мужское),
    • Мастопатии,
    • Доброкачественных новообразований,
    • Гинекологических заболеваний: кольпит, эрозия шейки матки, воспалительных заболеваний придатков; сбои менструального цикла, эндометрит, маточных кровотечений,
    • Цистита,
    • Климактерического синдрома.

    Red brush root

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  • It is used as part of complex treatment and prevention:

    • with male diseases: to increase potency, with prostate adenoma and chronic prostatitis, with male infertility,
    • with gynecological diseases: with uterine myoma, with ovarian cysts, with prolapse of the uterus,
    • with endocrine diseases: hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, thyroid hyperplasia, multinodular goiter,
    • pi musculoskeletal diseases: gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism,
    • during the rehabilitation period after a heart attack and stroke,
    • with hypertension and atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

    White root paw

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