lymph and blood

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  • Hemlock tincture in drops, 50 ml, is used in complex therapy for oncological diseases of various etiologies; with menstrual pain, pain in the intestines, liver and kidneys; with fibromas, myoma, cyst, endometriosis, mastopathy, adenoma, prostatitis; to normalize stool with constipation; for the treatment of gout, articular rheumatism, lupus, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis; for the treatment of hemorrhoids, gynecological and sexual diseases; at tuberculosis, vascular atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis).

  • Настойка огневки (восковой моли) “ГЕПАТОГЕН” для печени применяется в составе комплексной терапии и профилактики для очищения крови, при заболеваниях печени, для восстановления функций печени. Способствует снятию воспаления в печени и в желчном пузыре, препятствует образованию камней, выводит токсины.

  • Применяется в комплексной терапии при , неврозах сердца, для укрепления сердечно-сосудистой системы, при повышенном кровяном давлении , для очистки сосудов от холестерина. Для приготовления напитка возьмите 1-2 чайные ложки сбора, залейте крутым кипятком в количестве 200 мл и дайте настояться не менее 10 минут.

  • Thanks to carefully weighed natural composition LIFETIMELIFETIME

    recommended for: slagging of the body, in the period after taking a course of antibiotic therapy, to cleanse the lymph, blood, to restore nerve endings, with high cardio loads, with diseases of the genitourinary system, with musculoskeletal diseases, with reduced immunity, with diabetes, to restore all body functions and rejuvenation.

  • The organic composition of natural eco-drops for rejuvenation of body cells "The organic composition of natural eco-drops for rejuvenation of body cells "fireweed leaves:

    • fireweed leaves
    • fireweed leaves
    • fireweed leaves
    • fireweed leaves
    • fireweed leaves
    • strengthening immunity
    • restoration of metabolism.
  • It has hepatoprotective, choleretic, antiviral properties. It is used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. Facilitates the course of the disease, is a strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal herbal remedy. It is an indispensable additional tool for helping patients with hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver when using official medicine.

  • Бальзам Монастырский № 6 для очищения лимфы и крови применяется в комплексной терапии для очищения крови и лимфы, стимулирует кроветворение, нормализует её формулу. Очищает кровь от токсинов, показан прием после антибиотикотерапии и химиотерапии.

  • Composition: partitions (sashes) walnut 100%, ethyl alcohol, purified water.

    The composition of the partitions to a greater extent than the nuts themselves contain iodine, glucosides, vitamin C, alkaloids and organic acids.
    They treat the thyroid gland, eliminate iodine deficiency, improve metabolic processes, strengthen immunity, normalize the nervous system, and reduce weight.
    Lack of iodine in the body leads to the development of mastopathy, fibroids, prostate adenoma, hand tremors, irritability, fatigue and general weakness appear, blood pressure rises, memory is lost.

  • Настойка Золотого корня применяется в комплексном лечении и профилактике при:
    • сахарном диабете;
    • гипотонии;
    • артритах и артрозах;
    • нарушении осанки;
    • вегето-сосудистой дистонии по гипотоническому типу;
    • проблемах в работе сердца;
    • анемии, низком гемоглобине;
    • снижении половой активности у мужчин;
    • бесплодии у женщин;
    • гинекологических заболеваниях;
    • онкологических образованиях;
    • инфекциях мочеполовой системы;
    • дерматитах, угревой сыпи;
    • атеросклерозе;
    • варикозе;
    • заболеваниях органов дыхания;
    • сниженном иммунитете.

  • Hemlock is used as a strong analgesic for cancer; with menstrual pain, pain in the intestines, liver and kidneys; with fibromas, myoma, cyst, endometriosis, mastopathy, adenoma, prostatitis; to normalize stool with constipation; for the treatment of gout, articular rheumatism, lupus, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis; for the treatment of hemorrhoids, gynecological and sexual diseases.
    The drug can be used to combat anemia, with dropsy, cataracts, gangrene, whooping cough, hearing loss, rickets, jaundice, bone diseases, tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, epilepsy, general weakness in the aging body.

    Hemlock tincture, 100 ml.

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  • It is used as part of complex therapy and prevention:
    - to increase potency, with adenoma, male infertility.
    with gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine prolapse).
    - with hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, thyroid hyperplasia, multinodular goiter and other diagnoses.
    - with gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism
    - during the rehabilitation period after a heart attack and stroke.
    - with hypertension;
    - with atherosclerosis.

  • How does a fir drink:

    Increases immunity. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, so it is effective during epidemics and exacerbations of chronic diseases. Prevents complications in the upper respiratory tract.
    Invaluable due to the pronounced antiseptic properties of cedar and fir.

    Normalizes blood pressure: the drink is effective at both high and low blood pressure.

    The unique property of the drink - reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes. The effect is achieved with regular use.

    It cleanses the entire body: the lymphatic system, urinary system - gently and gently.

    Increases the tone of the body, relieves hangover.

    Regular intake of drink gives energy, helps to cope with the effects of intoxication.

    Cedar drink has shown its effectiveness in combating excess weights.

    Precautionary measures:
    Promotes intensive removal of toxins, therefore, at the first doses, it is better not to increase the dosage.

  • How does the fir elixir work:

    Increases immunity. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, so it is effective during epidemics and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

    Prevents complications in the upper respiratory tract. Priceless due to the pronounced antiseptic properties of cedar and fir.

    Normalizes blood pressure: effective at both high and low blood pressure.

    The unique property of the elixir - reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes. The effect is achieved with regular use.

    It cleanses the entire body: the lymphatic system, urinary system - gently and gently.

    Increases the tone of the body, relieves hangover.

    Regular intake of the elixir gives vigor, helps to cope with the effects of intoxication.

    Fir Elixir has shown its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight.

    Precautionary measures:
    Promotes intensive removal of toxins, therefore, at the first doses, it is better not to increase the dosage.

  • How does the cedar drink work:

    Increases immunity. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, so it is effective during epidemics and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

    Prevents complication in the upper respiratory tract.
    Invaluable due to the pronounced antiseptic properties of cedar and fir.

    Normalizes blood pressure: effective at both high and low blood pressure.

    The unique property of the drink - reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes. The effect is achieved with regular use.

    It cleanses the entire body: the lymphatic system, the urinary system.

    Restores the skin.
    Increases the tone of the body, relieves hangover.

    Regular intake of drink gives energy, helps to cope with the effects of intoxication.

    Cedar drink has shown its effectiveness in combating excess weights.

    Precautionary measures:
    Promotes intensive removal of toxins, therefore, at the first doses, it is better not to increase the dosage.

  • It is used as part of complex therapy and prevention

    • при профилактическом очищении организма от конечных продуктов обмена (токсины, «шлаки»);
    • для подготовки к курсу коррекции фигуры (лечебные или оздоровительные диеты);
    • при длительных интоксикациях (лекарственная, алкогольная, никотиновая, наркотическая);
    • при функциональных запорах, обусловленных гипотонией и вялой перистальтикой кишечника;
    • для коррекции водно-солевого обмена (профилактика моче- и желчнокаменной болезни);
    • при аллергии (идиопатическая крапивница, в некоторых случаях — аллергический дерматит);
    • в качестве сопутствующего средства при заболеваниях кожи (псориаз, экзема, угри, нейродермит).

    – Донник желтый (трава);
    – Лапчатка гусиная (курильский чай) (трава);
    – Stinging nettle (leaf);
    – Хвощ полевой (трава);
    – Весёлка гриб (тело).
    Amount: 30 capsules.
    Shelf life: 2 years from date of manufacture.

  • Sale!

    Suppositories with ASD (Dorogova) contain: natural cocoa butter; fraction ASD-2.

  • Sale!

    В Суппозитории “С ВЕСЕЛКОЙ” содержится: гриб веселка (тело) экстракт, масло какао.
    54,0 % жиры, 11,5 % белки, 9,0 % целлюлоза, 7,5 % крахмал и полисахариды, 6,0 % дубильные вещества (тннин) и красящие вещества, 5,0 % вода, 2,6 % минеральные вещества и соли, 2,0 % органические кислоты и вкусовые вещества, 1,0 % сахариды и 0,2 % кофеин, флавоноиды, дубильные вещества, арбутины, хиноны, иридоиды, медь, титан, железо, марганец, цинк.

  • Sale!

    Суппозитории “ЛАЙ-ФА” содержат экстракты лекарственных трав и растений : береза лист, земляника лесная лист, кипрей узколистный лист, душица трава, крапива двудомная лист, фиалка трёхцветная лист, хвощ полевой трава, чабрец трава, топинамбур трава, ромашка аптечная цветки, репешок трава, календула цвет, барбарис плод, жасмин цвет, шиповник плод, донник трава; масло какао.