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Giller No. 14 “To normalize pressure”


Indications for use:

В составе комплексной терапии лечения и профилактики гипертензии, при функциональных расстройствах сердечной деятельности; кардиология; климактерический синдром; астеноневротические состояния. Снижает возбудимость центральной нервной системы и сердечной мышцы, обладает избирательным спазмолитическим действием.

– Буквица лекарственная (трава);
– Боярышник кроваво-красный (плод, цвет);
– Василистник (трава);
– Девясил высокий (трава);
- Melissa officinalis (herb);
- Elm-leaved meadowsweet (meadowsweet) (grass);
– Синюха голубая (трава);
- Field horsetail (grass).
Amount: 30 capsules.
Shelf life: 2 years from date of manufacture.

Биоактивный комплекс на основе природных растительных компонентов направленный снижение кровяного давления.
Снижает кровяное давление. Улучшает регуляцию почечно-ишемического и эндокринного фактора. Снимает напряжение сердечной мышцы. Оказывает мочегонное, седативное, спазмолитическое, кардиологическое действие.

Mode of application:
1 капсулы 2-3 раза в день. Курс — 30 дней. Рекомендуется 4 курса в год.

Side effect:
Allergic reactions are possible. In case of side effects, including those not described in the instructions, you should consult a doctor.

It is not a drug.

As a dietary supplement for adults, take according to the instructions enclosed in each package, preferably with meals, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

If you are pregnant, breast-feeding, taking medications including anticoagulants, planning medical or surgical intervention, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before taking any dietary supplements. If there are side effects, stop using and see your doctor. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if the outer protective membrane of the vial is missing or damaged if the internal packaging is not used.

We do our best to ensure that images and product information are provided in a timely and correct manner. However, sometimes data updates can be delayed. Even in cases where the labeling of the products you have received is different from the one presented on the site, we guarantee the freshness of the goods. We recommend that you review the instructions for the use of the product before using it, and not just rely entirely on the description presented on the YBETO website.


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