Elixirs Balms

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  • It is used in complex therapy and prevention to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, in hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, hyperplasia, multinodular goiter.

  • Drops for vision "VISION" master eyeDrops for vision "VISION" master eye» Drops for vision "VISION" master eye BIONICA series is recommended for:

    • decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels;
    • increased pressure of the fundus;
    • increased photosensitivity;
    • inflammation of the mucous eyes;
    • redness, irritation of mucous membranes;
    • excessive dry eyes;
    • various visual acuity disorders (appearance and progression of myopia, hyperopia).

    Drops for vision "VISION" master eyeDrops for vision "VISION" master eyeDrops for vision "VISION" master eye:

    • active restoration of vision;
    • • elimination of pathologies of the retina;
    • • elimination of the pathology of the fundus;
    • • elimination of yellow spots and clouding of the lens.

    Drops for vision "VISION" master eyeDrops for vision "VISION" master eye• elimination of yellow spots and clouding of the lens : atrophy of the optic nerve, the appearance of corneal defects, age-related changes in vision, premature aging of the lens, decreased visual acuity, glaucoma, cataracts, muscle tone of the eyelids.

  • Thyroid hormones perform many vital functions, incl. regulate the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and energy in the body, the activity of the brain, nervous and cardiovascular systems, sex and mammary glands. Carefully selected composition of medicinal herbs contributes to the normalization of thyroid function.

    Balm Monastic No. 32 thyroid It is used as part of complex therapy in the treatment and prevention of thyroid diseases. Improves the function of the thyroid gland, evens out the hormonal background, is used for hypo- and hyperthyroidism and goiter.

    Balsam Monastic No. 32 thyroid, 200 ml.

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  • It is used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. Facilitates the course of the disease, is a strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal herbal remedy. It is an indispensable additional tool for helping patients with hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver when using official medicine.

  • Balm Monastyrsky No. 30 for rheumatoid arthritis is used in complex therapy in the treatment and prevention of rheumatoid arthritis - relieves inflammation in the joints: knee, elbow, shoulder, hands, feet, wrist. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic, diuretic and blood-purifying properties.

  • Применяется в комплексной терапии при лечении и профилактики вегето-сосудистой дистонии. Обладает спазмолитическим, седативное и гипотензивным свойствами, наполняет организм витаминами и минералами. Налаживает работу вегетативной нервной системы.

    Balm "Monastyrsky" No. 28 for vegetative-vascular dystonia, 200 ml

    Balm "Monastyrsky" No. 28 for vegetative-vascular dystonia, 200 ml
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  • Применяется в комплексной терапии при лечении и профилактики депрессивных состояний. Депрессия – это сложное психологическое состояние человека, сопровождаемое плохим настроением, раздражительностью. Сбор направлен на уменьшение симптомов депрессии, повышает настроение, работоспособность. Показан при нервном возбуждении, раздражительности, стрессе, а также беспокойстве, нарушении сна, сердцебиении и тревоге.

    Balm "Monastyrsky" No. 28 for vegetative-vascular dystonia, 200 ml

    Balm "Monastyrsky" No. 28 for vegetative-vascular dystonia, 200 ml
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  • Применяется в комплексной терапии при лечении и профилактики гриппа и простуды. Обладает антисептическим, противовоспалительным, обезболивающим и спазмолитическими свойствами. Оказывает бронхорасширяющее, дезинфицирующее и отхаркивающее действие. Повышает потоотделение и обладает легким мочегонным эффектом. Содержит витамин С, что благотворно сказывается при лечении ОРВИ и простуды.

  • It is used in complex therapy in the treatment of hypertension. Gently and effectively lowers blood pressure. Effective for normalizing blood density, regulates the amount of fluid in the body - is a mild diuretic. Removes cardiac edema. Cleanses the blood of "bad" cholesterol and reduces the amount of sugar in the blood

    Balsam "Monastyrsky" No. 20 for hypertension, 200 ml.

    Balsam "Monastyrsky" No. 20 for hypertension, 200 ml.
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  • Balsam Monastic No. 19 urological is used in complex therapy for the treatment and prevention of renal diseases: pyelonephritis, acute and chronic renal failure, glomerulonephritis. Congestion associated with heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver with edematous ascitic syndrome (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity), hypertension during the stabilization of blood pressure, eclampsia (late toxicosis of pregnant women) and edema in pregnant women.

    Balm Monastic No. 19 urological, 200 ml.

    Balsam "Monastyrsky" No. 20 for hypertension, 200 ml.
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  • Бальзам Монастырский № 16 антипаразитарный применяется в комплексной терапии при лечении и профилактики от паразитов.

    Эффективно избавляет от глистных инвазий и лямблиоза, эпистархоза и других паразитов. Восстанавливает организм .

  • Balsam Monastic No. 13 for men is used in complex therapy in the treatment of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma, normalizes urination, relieves pain and inflammation.

  • Balsam Monastyrsky No. 10 for the heart and blood vessels is used in complex therapy for the treatment and prevention of strokes and heart attacks, to strengthen blood vessels. The collection normalizes blood pressure and heart rate, thins the blood. It cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, lowers blood sugar levels, and has vasodilating properties. Contribute to the relaxation of the artery, without changing the tone of the veins. As a result, blood flow increases, oxygen-rich blood enters the brain. It has diuretic properties, anti-inflammatory, sedative properties.

  • It is used in complex therapy for the treatment and prevention of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis, colitis, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, enterocolitis.

  • Бальзам Монастырский №7 для суставов и костей применяется в комплексной терапии при лечении суставов, при ревматизме, подагре, заболеваниях позвоночника, остеохондрозе. Нормализует обмен веществ, рекомендуется для укрепления костей, зубов.

  • Balsam Monastic No. 6 for cleansing lymph and blood is used in complex therapy for cleansing blood and lymph, stimulates hematopoiesis, and normalizes its formula. It cleanses the blood of toxins, it is indicated to be taken after antibiotic therapy and chemotherapy.

  • Balsam Monastic No. 5 for women is used in the complex therapy of nervous disorders during menopause and in the postpartum period, inflammatory gynecological diseases. Regulates the hormonal balance of the female body. Effective in menstrual irregularities, ovarian cysts, fibroids, as well as in the treatment of chronic cystitis and pyelonephritis.

    It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, sedative and antitumor properties, relieves nervous tension, has a slight diuretic effect.

  • The drug is used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma, to restore erectile function.

    Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Does not contain GMO, gluten.

    Showing 1–28 of 128 results

    Showing 1–28 of 128 results
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  • The drug is used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of urological diseases (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis), for the treatment of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

    Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Does not contain GMO, gluten.

  • The drug is used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of gynecological inflammatory processes, the prevention of mastopathy and endometriosis, menopausal syndromes, for the treatment of urological diseases (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis).

    Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Does not contain GMO, gluten.

    SYRUP "GRENOLA" for women LUBISTOK, 100 ml.

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  • The drug is used in complex therapy in the treatment of mastopathy, endometriosis, fibroids, candidiasis, hormonal cycle disorders, menstrual disorders, cysts, infertility.

    Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Does not contain GMO, gluten.

  • Препарат используется в комплексной терапии для уничтожения взрослых гельминтов всех видов; уничтожения яиц гельминтов; остановки роста и развития возбудителей грибковых и бактериальных поражений, включая микоплазмы; устранения широкого спектра возбудителей паразитарного заражения; предотвращения лимфотоксикоза; восстановления естественной микрофлоры; восстановления органов и тканей, подвергшихся негативному воздействию паразитов; ликвидации последствий и изменений внутренних органов после паразитической инвазии

    Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Does not contain GMO, gluten.

  • It is used in complex therapy for chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

    The drug with prolonged use restores potency, restores the degenerative functions of the prostate gland. It is aimed at eliminating inflammatory, infectious, bacterial and fungal processes of the genitourinary system in men. Normalizes the process of urination, restores the activity of the ejaculate. Effective against chronic prostatitis.

    Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Does not contain GMO, gluten.

    SYRUP "GRENOLA" for men "NORAX SEX", 100 ml.

    GRENOLA SYRUP for helminthiasis, 100 ml.
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  • It is used in complex therapy for chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

    The drug eliminates inflammation of the prostate gland, has a mild analgesic effect, prevents the development of viral and bacterial infections, restores microcirculation and blood circulation in the vessels and capillaries, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and prevents degenerative changes in the prostate gland.

    Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Does not contain GMO, gluten.

    SYRUP "GRENOLA" for men "PROSTATIN", 100 ml.

    GRENOLA SYRUP for helminthiasis, 100 ml.
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  • How does a fir drink:

    Increases immunity. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, so it is effective during epidemics and exacerbations of chronic diseases. Prevents complications in the upper respiratory tract.
    Invaluable due to the pronounced antiseptic properties of cedar and fir.

    Normalizes blood pressure: the drink is effective at both high and low blood pressure.

    The unique property of the drink - reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes. The effect is achieved with regular use.

    It cleanses the entire body: the lymphatic system, urinary system - gently and gently.

    Increases the tone of the body, relieves hangover.

    Regular intake of drink gives energy, helps to cope with the effects of intoxication.

    Cedar drink has shown its effectiveness in combating excess weights.

    Precautionary measures:
    Promotes intensive removal of toxins, therefore, at the first doses, it is better not to increase the dosage.

  • How does the fir elixir work:

    Increases immunity. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, so it is effective during epidemics and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

    Prevents complications in the upper respiratory tract. Priceless due to the pronounced antiseptic properties of cedar and fir.

    Normalizes blood pressure: effective at both high and low blood pressure.

    The unique property of the elixir - reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes. The effect is achieved with regular use.

    It cleanses the entire body: the lymphatic system, urinary system - gently and gently.

    Increases the tone of the body, relieves hangover.

    Regular intake of the elixir gives vigor, helps to cope with the effects of intoxication.

    Fir Elixir has shown its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight.

    Precautionary measures:
    Promotes intensive removal of toxins, therefore, at the first doses, it is better not to increase the dosage.

  • How does the cedar drink work:

    Increases immunity. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, so it is effective during epidemics and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

    Prevents complication in the upper respiratory tract.
    Invaluable due to the pronounced antiseptic properties of cedar and fir.

    Normalizes blood pressure: effective at both high and low blood pressure.

    The unique property of the drink - reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes. The effect is achieved with regular use.

    It cleanses the entire body: the lymphatic system, the urinary system.

    Restores the skin.
    Increases the tone of the body, relieves hangover.

    Regular intake of drink gives energy, helps to cope with the effects of intoxication.

    Cedar drink has shown its effectiveness in combating excess weights.

    Precautionary measures:
    Promotes intensive removal of toxins, therefore, at the first doses, it is better not to increase the dosage.

  • Monastic elixir "Cedar"

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