
Showing 1–28 of 182 results

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    Motherwort tincture, 100 ml. Composition: inode, ethyl alcohol motherwort herb

  • FIRASIL tincture with propolis for women's health, 100 ml cuff herb, upland queen, red brush, mountain ash fruit, wintergreen leaf, wild rose fruit, calendula color, chamomile color, sage leaf and color, red clover leaf and color, propolis, food glycerin, ethyl alcohol, purified water.

  • Mordovnik tincture (cones), 100 ml. contains Used in the complex treatment of endometritisoda, ethyl alcohol, Echinoid cone extract.

  • Antitumor tincture HOTRA, 100ml contains: Used in the complex treatment of endometritisode, ethyl alcohol, extracts: wintergreen herb round-leaved, half-pala herb (erva woolly), chernobyl herb, meadowsweet herb, narrow-leaved fireweed herb, wood louse herb, winter-loving umbrella herb, burdock roots, lungwort leaves, roots and rhizomes of burnet , sophora japanese fruit, euphorbia palassa roots, tartar herb, zopnik herb, zyuznik herb, licorice roots, milk thistle seeds, calendula flowers.

  • Lisbalos tincture for men's health, 100 ml. contains: water, ethyl alcohol, extracts of: common lingonberry leaves, licorice roots, echinacea purpurea herb, Japanese sophora fruit, woolly herb herb (half-burnt), obscure lungwort leaves, eucalyptus rod-shaped leaves, common aspen bark, tuberous goose herb, herbs and flowers of the meadowsweet, the roots of the burnet officinalis, the roots of the plowed or field harrow, the herb of goldenrod, the leaves and bark of the common hazel, the roots of the forgotten kopek.

  • Felicita tincture for women's health, 100 ml. contains in its composition: Used in the complex treatment of endometritisode, ethyl alcohol, native extracts: Echinacea purpurea herbs, tuberous herbs, wintergreen herbs, round-leaved herbs, chernobyl herbs, narrow-leaved fireweed herbs, knotweed herbs, shepherd's purse herbs, mullein scepter-shaped flowers, wild strawberry leaves, obscure lungwort leaves, nettle leaves dioecious, fruits of Japanese Sophora, grass agrimony, roots of meadow geranium, roots of burdock, herb meadowsweet, roots of burnet officinalis, roots of licorice naked, calendula flowers, herbs of hog uterus, roots of the red brush, lungwort flowers and leaves, mint leaves, herbs lemon balm.

  • Shiksha tincture, 100 ml. contains: Used in the complex treatment of endometritisode, ethyl alcohol, shiksha (black crowberry) berries and leaves (needles)

    Shiksha tincture, 100 ml.

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  • PION tincture, 100 ml. contains in the composition: Vode, ethyl alcohol, peony root extracts

    PION tincture, 100 ml.

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  • TriM tincture soothing, 100 ml. contains composition: extracts of mint, lemon balm, lungwort Used in the complex treatment of endometritisoda, ethyl alcohol.

  • Part MARAL ROOT tinctures, 100 ml included: water, ethyl alcohol, Leuzea safflower extract

  • HAZEL tincture (hazel), 100 ml, contains: water, ethyl alcohol, hazel extract (bark and leaves)

  • ZAMANIHI root tincture, 100 ml contains: Water, ethyl alcohol, zamanihi root extract

  • Euphorbia palasse tincture, root, 100 ml. contains: euphorbia palassa root extract, purified water, ethyl alcohol.

  • Composition Hawthorn tincture, fruit, 100 ml: hawthorn fruit extract, ethyl alcohol, purified water.

    Hawthorn contains flavonoids (quercetin, quercitrin), carotenoids, choline, acetylcholine, organic acids (oleanolic, caffeic and ursolic), essential oil. has a cardiotonic, antispasmodic and moderate sedative effect, antiarrhythmic and hypotensive effect, improves coronary and cerebral circulation, reduces heart rate. Reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, reduces blood cholesterol and increases the amount of lecithin; normalizes blood coagulability. Infusion of hawthorn fruits and flowers tone the heart muscle; provide the supply of oxygen that the body needs, In case of disorders of the nervous system: reduce the excitability of the nervous system, helping to concentrate on positive emotions; relieve painful insomnia; normalize sleep, making it healthy and giving vigor in the morning. In case of indigestion, they help with any form of gastritis; relieve the accumulation of gases in the intestines, which is accompanied by belching, colic and heartburn; eliminate loose stools and the cause that caused diarrhea.

  • Hemlock tincture in drops, 50 ml, is used in complex therapy for oncological diseases of various etiologies; with menstrual pain, pain in the intestines, liver and kidneys; with fibromas, myoma, cyst, endometriosis, mastopathy, adenoma, prostatitis; to normalize stool with constipation; for the treatment of gout, articular rheumatism, lupus, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis; for the treatment of hemorrhoids, gynecological and sexual diseases; at tuberculosis, vascular atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis).

  • Ginseng tincture, root, 100 ml. has tonic, tonic and stimulant. Actively affects the central nervous system, increases efficiency, reduces physical and mental fatigue, improves appetite.

    It is used as part of complex therapy and prevention of asthenic conditions of various etiologies; convalescence period; prolonged physical and mental overload; to increase the level of efficiency and body resistance (especially in the elderly); neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypotonic type, as part of complex therapy for the weakening of sexual functions due to neurasthenia.

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    Composition of the suppository “INSTANOL”: sage leaf, nettle leaf, bearberry leaf, rose hip fruit, immortelle flower, linden flower, chamomile flower, fireweed leaf, wormwood grass, yarrow grass, sweet clover grass, motherwort grass, cudweed marsh grass, buckthorn bark, birch buds, agrimony grass , clover grass, cinquefoil grass, barberry fruit, burdock roots, oregano grass, prince grass, blackberry leaf, cocoa butter.

  • Tincture of Ognevka (wax moth) "SEDAL" for good sleep and calmness is recommended for harmonization and restoration of the nervous system, for establishing sleep patterns, with nervousness and irritability, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety. It is aimed at balancing the excess amount of adrenal hormones during stress. Balances internal energy and mood.

  • Tincture of Ognevka (wax moth) "ADENOXEN" for men's health is used in the complex therapy and prevention of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, prostate adenoma, hemorrhoids, anemia of various nature. It is recommended for violations of sexual function in men associated with androgen deficiency and psycho-emotional stress, to increase the mobility and fertilizing ability of spermatozoa. Restores male health. It helps to increase potency, reduce inflammation of the genitourinary system, normalize the function of the glands of the internal section in men.

  • Tincture of Ognevka (wax moth) "SUSTALAZA" for joints it is used as part of complex therapy and prevention of joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout, sciatica). Revitalizing and revitalizing agent. It is aimed at reducing pain resulting from violations of the anatomical structures of the joints.

  • Ognevki Tincture "SONATA" for women's health is used in complex therapy and prevention in gynecology: inflammatory diseases of the female genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis), gynecological diseases (myomas, uterine fibroids; mastopathy; cervical erosion; cysts; endometriosis; inflammation of the ovaries). Helps restore hormonal balance.

  • Tincture of Ognevka (wax moth) "Gastroenterology" for the stomach and intestines is used as part of the complex therapy and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps restore normal microflora and eliminate dysbacteriosis. Helps relieve spasms and pain during inflammation. Improves intestinal peristalsis. Helps with gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis.

  • Tincture of Ognevka (wax moth) "OKSINAK" for vision is used as part of complex therapy and prevention for eye health. Helps restore capillary circulation, reduce pressure inside the eye, slow down the clouding of the lens.

  • Tincture of moth (wax moth) "HEPATOGEN" for the liver is used as part of complex therapy and prevention for blood purification, with liver diseases, to restore liver function. Helps relieve inflammation in the liver and gallbladder, prevents the formation of stones, removes toxins.

  • Tincture of Ognevka (wax moth) "UROLEXIN" for the kidneys, it is used as part of complex therapy and prevention of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys (nephritis, pyelonephritis), urinary tract (urethritis), and inflammatory diseases of the bladder (cystitis, urolithiasis). Relieves swelling, promotes the removal of salts, toxins, and sand. It has a diuretic, antispasmodic, analgesic and antiseptic effect.

  • Tincture of Ognevka (wax moth) "TIM-PAN" for the heart and blood vessels is used as part of the complex therapy and prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It is recommended to strengthen the cardiovascular system, to cleanse blood vessels and increase their elasticity, to restore heart rhythm, to restore blood pressure, for the treatment of nervous and cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, ischemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, hypotension); inhibits the development of atherosclerosis; helps fight age-related changes.

  • Настойка восковой моли (огневка) для бронхов “БРОНХЕЛП”, 100 мл Используется в составе комплексной терапии и профилактике при кашле, заболевании органов дыхания, в восстановительный период после перенесенных бронхо-легочных заболеваний. Помогает выводить из организма скопления токсинов и химических веществ из бронхов. Снижает воспалительные изменения в бронхах. Используется и как профилактика астмы.

  • It is used in complex therapy and prevention to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, in hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, hyperplasia, multinodular goiter.